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일빵빵 생활영어 미션 27 - 장마철이라 비가 계속 온다

by 솔롱고스1126 2021. 2. 9.

6. 30. 수요일 폭풍


장마철이라 비가 계속 온다.

요즈음에 신을 장화를 온라인으로 쇼핑하기로 했다. 

우선 웹사이트에 접속하고 회원가입을 했다. 

예전에 매장에서 마음에 드는 것을 봐 둔 것이 있어 검색해 봤다.

배송지를 입력하고 결제만 하면 되었다.



1. It keep rainning because It was a monsoon season. 

=It keeps raining because it’s monsoon season.

=rainy season. 


2. I decided to do shopping rain boots to wear these day.

=I decided to do some online shopping for rain boots to wear these days.


3. first, I visited the website and registered as a member.

=First, I visited the website and registered as a member.


4. I had seen something that I like at store last time, so I serched for it

=I had seen something I liked in the shop last time, so I searched for it.


5. I only had to enter my shipping address and purchase. 

=I only had to enter my shipping address and purchase.




It keeps raining because it’s monsoon season.

I decided to do some online shopping for rain boots to wear these days.

First, I visited the website and registered as a member.

I had seen something I liked in the shop last time, so I searched for it.

I only had to enter my shipping address and purchase.