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일빵빵 생활영어 미션 30 - 오늘은 더워서 친구와 나는 수영장을 가기로 했다

by 솔롱고스1126 2021. 2. 20.

7. 26. 월 더움


오늘은 너무 더워서 친구와 나는 수영장을 가기로 했다.

수영을 잘 못해서 이번 여름에 친구에게 레슨을 받기로 했다. 

물에 들어가기 전에, 먼저 샤워를 하고 수영복을 착용했다.

그리고 준비운동을 하고나서, 친구가 한 시간 정도 수영을 가르쳐 줬다.

특히나 아침에는 수영장이 사람이 없어서 좋은 거 같다.



1. Today is so hot. so I decided to go swimming with my friend.

=Because it was so hot today, my friend and I made plans to go to the swimming pool.


2. I can't swim well. so I decided to take lesson it this summer.

=I’m not very good at swimming, so I decided to take lessons from my friend this summer.


3. First, I took a shower and weared the swimsuit. Before going into pool. 

=Before going into the water, I first showered and then put on my swimsuit.


4. And after excecising, My friend taught me how to swim about an hour.

=And after we warmed up, ~

=And after our warming up, she taught me how to swim for about an hour.

=teach(learn) how to ~


5. There was no persons in the morning. so I fill like good. 

=It’s especially great because the pool is pretty empty in the mornings.

=It is great(좋은 거 같다)


Because it was so hot today, my friend and I made plans to go to the swimming pool.

I’m not very good at swimming, so I decided to take lessons from my friend this summer.

Before going into the water, I first showered and then put on my swimsuit.

And after our warming up, she taught me how to swim for about an hour.

It’s especially great because the pool is pretty empty in the mornings.