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오늘은 남자친구와 새해 첫 데이트가 있다.(feat. 일빵빵)

by 솔롱고스1126 2020. 8. 16.

1. go on a date / have a date.


My boyfriend and I 

과거형 went on a date. 

새해 of the NewYear

our first date of the New year

-My boyfriend and I went on our first date of the New Year

-Today My boyfriend and I went on our first date of the New Year.


2. open 열다 pick out 고르다.

- I opened and picked out 

- I opened my clothes 옷장 I picked out a new dress 

입을 옷 a new dress to wear 

-I opened my clothess and picked out a new dress to wear


3. put on 몸에 바르는 거 

-I put on sunscream and I put on make up.

-I put on sunscream and make up.

-I put on sunscream and make up in front of mirror.


4. brush my hair 머리 빗다 / tie my hair 머리 묶다 / tie my hair back 뒤로 묶다 / tie up my hair 꽉 묶다

-I brush my hair and tie up my hair

-my hair = it 대명사로 변경

-I brush my hair and tie it up. (tie up it 발음하기 어려워 순서 변경)

-I brushed my hair and tied it up.


5. 설레다. fill with ~. ~로 가득차다.

-filled with excitement.

-filled with passion

-filled with anger

-filled with ambition

-filled withe joy

It was a day filled with excitement.