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일빵빵 생활영어 미션1-벌써 새해가 밝았다

by 솔롱고스1126 2020. 11. 23.

1.1 fryday.
january first. freezing

New year has come(arrived) already.
- I decided to~ 뭐 하기로 했다.
-go to see(X) go see(O)
I decided to go see the first sunrise of the year.
-tend to ~하는 편이다. sleep in 늦잠을 자다
i usually tend to sleep in so i set my alarm for 5:00.
-but. 뒤의 문장에 힘
i was a little sleepy. but i drove to the site to watch sunrise.
-though 포함된 문장에 힘
though i was a little sleepy, i drove to the site to watch sunrise.
tip) though. while when 따위가 오면 주어(비동사 포함)생략 가능
Though a little sleepy, I drove to the site to watch sunrise.
When the sun rose i made wish and a new years resolution.