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일빵빵 생활영어 미션2-오늘은 남자친구와 새해 첫 데이트가 있다

by 솔롱고스1126 2020. 11. 26.

-have a date / go on a date


1. Today, My boyfirend and I(We) went on our first date of the New Year. 

-연도는 뒤로


2. I opend my closet and picked out new dress to wear. 


-응용? I opend my closet and picked out new dress to wear to the school.


3. In front of the mirror I put on sunscream and makeup 

-주어+동사 반복으로 생략


4. brush my hair(머리 빗다) / tie up my hair(머리 묶다)

  I brush my hair and tied up my hair

 -> my hair 중복 it으로 대체 / 근데 tied up it 이 아닌 발음으로 일반적으로 tied it up으로 쓰임.

 =I brush my hair and tied it up neatly(단정하게)


5. It was a day filled with excitement. 

 -설레임으로 filled with excitement

 -너무 열정적인 filled with passion

 -너무 화가난 filled with anger

 -너무 사랑스러운 filled with love