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일빵빵 생활 영어 미션5 - 오늘은 엄마를 위해 내가 설거지를 했다

by 솔롱고스1126 2020. 12. 6.

1. today, I washed the dishes for my mom.(do the dishes)

2. My mom told me to wear the rubber gloves(고무장갑). (~하라고 했다.)

3. I gathered all the plate. I carried all the plate to the kitchen. I scrubbed(빡빡 씻다) all the plate with hot water.

-I gathed all the plate. carried them to the kitchen. and scrubbed them with hot water.

4. I covered leftovers(남은 음식) with plastic rap and stored(저장하다) them in the Refrigerator(냉장고).

5. My mom complimented(칭찬하다) me for doing a good job.