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일빵빵 생활영어 미션3-오늘은 여유로운 시간이 많이 커피를 타 마시기로 했다 1월 16일 영하 오늘은 여유로운 시간이 많아 커피를 타먹기로 했다. 먼저 주전자에 물을 끓이고 인스턴트 커피를 머크컵에 넣었다. 뜨거운 물을 따른 후 설탕을 조금 넣었다. 처음에는 너무 뜨거워서 조금 식을 때까지 기다렸다. 커피와 함께 여유를 가진것이 오랜 만이었다. 1. Today, I have a lot of freetime. so I decide to make a coffee. Today, With so much free time. so I decided to brew some coffee. 커피를 타다 -make coffee -brew some coffee ~하기로 했다. -decide to have + 명사를 세련되게 with + 명사로 바꾸는 연습 필요 with so much work to .. 2020. 11. 26.
일빵빵 생활영어 미션2-오늘은 남자친구와 새해 첫 데이트가 있다 -have a date / go on a date 1. Today, My boyfirend and I(We) went on our first date of the New Year. -연도는 뒤로 2. I opend my closet and picked out new dress to wear. -to부정사-응용? I opend my closet and picked out new dress to wear to the school. 3. In front of the mirror I put on sunscream and makeup -주어+동사 반복으로 생략 4. brush my hair(머리 빗다) / tie up my hair(머리 묶다) I brush my hair and tied up my hair ->.. 2020. 11. 26.
일빵빵 생활영어 미션1-벌써 새해가 밝았다 1.1 fryday. january first. freezing New year has come(arrived) already. - I decided to~ 뭐 하기로 했다. -go to see(X) go see(O) I decided to go see the first sunrise of the year. -tend to ~하는 편이다. sleep in 늦잠을 자다 i usually tend to sleep in so i set my alarm for 5:00. -but. 뒤의 문장에 힘 i was a little sleepy. but i drove to the site to watch sunrise. -though 포함된 문장에 힘 though i was a little sleepy, i drove .. 2020. 11. 23.
정신차리세요. (how to english) pull yourself together snap out of it get a hold yourself wake up. 2020. 9. 29.
[How to English 84] “말싸움”은 영어로 1. fight 신체적 싸움. 치고 받는 것? We have a fight 2. argument 언쟁 논쟁 말싸움 we had an argument. 3. 화해하다. -make up with someone -kiss and make up -be back to normal I made up with him. Everything is back to normal. did you guys kiss and make up? http://m.podbbang.com/ch/1770066How To English with Billy and Walter 빌리와 월터의 하우투 잉글리쉬 | 오디오천국 팟빵How-to English with Billy and Walter에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다! 이 팟캐스트에서는 코리안빌리와.. 2020. 9. 9.
좋은 소식 전달하기 전에(how to english with 빌리) 1. I have some incredible news. incredible , break - i have some incredible news. he pass the exam. 맞나?? ㅎㅎ 2. guess what 뭐게? I got a promotion. 3. I am happy to tell you that ~~ happy , glad 등 - i am happy to tell you that everyone will get a bonus. 2020. 8. 18.
so cute, it hurts(feat. cullips.com) Super! Really! Very! Extremely! There are many ways to add emphasis to your conversation and show the intensity of a feeling or situation 강조할 때. so (형용사), it hurts. so delicious, it hurts. hella you a hella boy. 2020. 8. 17.
오늘은 남자친구와 새해 첫 데이트가 있다.(feat. 일빵빵) 1. go on a date / have a date. My boyfriend and I 과거형 went on a date. 새해 of the NewYear our first date of the New year -My boyfriend and I went on our first date of the New Year -Today My boyfriend and I went on our first date of the New Year. 2. open 열다 pick out 고르다. - I opened and picked out - I opened my clothes 옷장 I picked out a new dress 입을 옷 a new dress to wear -I opened my clothess and pi.. 2020. 8. 16.